Informative Wall Painting Initiative
Client Name & Place :
Education, Environment & Conservation
Project Release Year:
Project Duration:
3 Months
Concept, Illustration
G.V Scheme School in Mulund, Mumbai has a compound wall area of around 400 square feet where we painted - the Bamboo Pit Viper Snake, Red Silk Cotton Flower, Crimson Backed Sunbird, Hanuman Langur, Asian Paradise Flycatcher Bird, Painted Stork, Karvi Flower and Small Indian Civet. A 'community-painting weekend' was announced to help us with the wall.
AMVDS Design Team: Ashvini Menon, Vaijayanti Ajinkya and Nitya George
Volunteers: Ganesh Singh Thakur, Urvi Bhise, Mokshada Naidu, Ashlesha Gharat, Bhumika Bhurani, Divya Ramesh, Butool Abbas, Shruti Kamath, Aadit Mhatre, Neela Padman, Disha Gawde, Shaina Patel, Frederick Stanley, Bhavayata Shah, Vaibhavi Gala, Tanmay Ghag, Deepali Dahake and Vasudha Pankicer
Special Thanks: Mr. Sable (School Principal)